
Thursday, June 25, 2009

King of Pop dies at 50

Sadly Michael Jackson passed away today June 25, 2009 at the age of 50. He died of cardiac arrest . He was said to have stopped breathing while in his home and a member of his staff call 911. He was pronounced dead before he even arrived at the hospital. He was and still is one of musics biggest influences and will be deeply missed by many..

R.I.P Michael Jackson.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

So smooooth

heyy Everyone :) I have been kind of busy lately with work and everything and taking care of my new car =) however I did make time for myself to go to the hairdresser to treat this lovely head of mine to something nice lol. My new hair stylist Hector is so wonderful!! I love him lol. What hes going to be doing to my hair is called 'Keratin Hair Treatment'.(a.k.a. the Brazilian hair treatment) What it does is basically change the texture of your hair to make it more manageable and lord knows I need that lol. So I did some research and it seems to work very well for people that have got it done. So look out world I have made my Appointment and I will be silky Smooth soon :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I was browsing youtube on this lovely evening and came across this video. The vid is about Sean Bell who was shot 50 times by the police even tho he had done nothing wrong nor was he doing anything to provoke the police. He was killed the day before his wedding and all of the officers involved in the incident were acquitted ..what a shame but check out this video its so intense and powerful!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So I need to expandddd my make up collection haha becuase as of now it is very minimal :( so I have created a Wishlist!! I dont know why im calling it a wish list because Im gonna buy it all next week so its more of a "things im gonna buy tomorrow" list lol so here it is!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

my new carrr!!

I have a branddd new car!! Today I picked up my brand new car from toyota. Its a 2009 toyota yaris sedan and its amazing! Im totally in love with it. I drove around today and it drives soo well I name him Travis :) hes my new baby lol heres a pic of him in my driveway!