
Friday, April 30, 2010

oooh Child! I been M.I.A!! Atlanta was great its my favorite place to be! anyway I have a question for the ladies and even the fellas if they know! I have worn a weave many times in my life and I want to get it done again! butttttt I want it done really well and with good quality any of you know of a goood hair brand and salon in any of these states --NY CT MA RI or i guesss jersey too lol??

peace and love
sugar cubes


Unknown said...

Remi hair is always best!

Anonymous said...

Lugo's in NY I love it. They tread it to the track for you and it doesn't tangle...I wore it once took it out and used it again later "Good Hair"...My mother works at a hair salon in New Haven, CT on State street "Sharon Joy".

Selina said...

I dont know about a salon but Indi-Remi hair is great! =)

Also come check out my blog

Gennny_fromtheblock said...

hi hun! im having a makeup sale on my blog so please feel free to check it out =)

Gennny_fromtheblock said...

hey hun!
i'm having a makeup sale on my blog
so feel free to check it out =)