Hey everyone! so if you read one of my blag post from a week or 2 ago you saw that i purchased 2 new products from M.A.C. which were Cherish satin Lipstick and Viva Glam V Lip glass Ever since I bought them I never leave the house without them!! and here are both products out of their packaging!
Check back next Sunday for my "cant Live Withouts"! and watch out for my moving tips and savings ideas!!
Hey all my gorgeous guys and dolls! My name is Jessica-Lynn but ill go by anything from Jess,Jessie,Jessie-Lynn you name it lol! My goal with this blog is to Help and inspire guys or gals all over the world with tips with clothes, makeup and jsut life in general! Feel free to contact me..check out the links and any questions throw me an email LFT_xo@yahoo.com peace and love babies xoxo
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