Thanks for stopping by and following!! I like the info your posting on your blog, so I am for sure going to add you to my daily blog reader!!!
And yes cramps do suck!! I had a doctor tell me if you start taking a pain reliver a few days before you know your going to get cramps, you shouldn't get them at all during that time. It works!!
Hey all my gorgeous guys and dolls! My name is Jessica-Lynn but ill go by anything from Jess,Jessie,Jessie-Lynn you name it lol! My goal with this blog is to Help and inspire guys or gals all over the world with tips with clothes, makeup and jsut life in general! Feel free to contact me..check out the links and any questions throw me an email peace and love babies xoxo
Thanks for stopping by and following!! I like the info your posting on your blog, so I am for sure going to add you to my daily blog reader!!!
And yes cramps do suck!! I had a doctor tell me if you start taking a pain reliver a few days before you know your going to get cramps, you shouldn't get them at all during that time. It works!!
wat end
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