
Sunday, March 28, 2010

So sorry kids!

I know I have been M.I.A but my mommy had her knee replaced! (ouch!) my mom is my rock and my everything so when shes going through something I am rightttt there by her side! so thats where I have been for the past few weeks!

I also..(wait for it!!!) dyed my hair today ^_^ my hair is a dark dark brown and it doesnt take to color especially store bought color..but today I purchased Garnier light golden may sound extreme for my hair but all it did was gave me a redish slightly lighter brown =) which works for me!

compared to my old dark hair Boooo!
I had to take the pic all bent down and weird cause you can really only see the color in the light!

ok the end
peace and love
peanut butter and jelly



Velma Williams said...

Hope your mum is doing ok :).
ps: the color is nice.

Danielle87 said...

That color looks really pretty on u. I tagged u btw check out my blog : )

Anonymous said...

Hope Your Mom Is Doing Good !
I Like The New Hair Color :)

Unknown said...

looks good

StylishForever said...

the hair looks nice, i've been thinking abt colouring my hair for a while now but i never get the guts to do it.